Ros Tutorials: Beginning...

Welcome Back!
Pre reqs for this tutorial:
 A computer running Ubuntu 14.04LTS
An Internet connection

Today we will start with setting up our computer and doing some tutorials. The ROS Wiki has great instructions on how to do that. To install ROS follow the instructions here: We will be working in ROS Indigo. A newer version(ROS Jade) has been released but there is not sufficient support yet to make it easy for beginners. Once you have done that go through as many of these tutorials as you can. Tutorials 1.1 through 1.9 are mandatory, but optionally if you want to make it easier on yourself do all of the tutorials. All the tutorials are listed here: Just make sure that you choose Indigo for your distribution.

Note: I because I am lazy took the hard route and a. did not do all of the tutorials and b. did not learn python or c++ before starting. I highly reccomend that you don't make the same mistake I did and go through all of the tutorials and learn one of those languages.

Thats all for now...
